Smiles All Around! (www.SmilesAllAround.com) is an imprint of Exceptional Innovations (www.exinn.net). Please note that all purchases for Smiles All Around merchandise is routed through Exceptional Innovations.
General Ordering Guidelines
Please refer to Ordering Information on the Exceptional Innovations website for details (https://www.exinn.net/ordering-information/)
- Credit cards—VISA, MasterCard, and Discover—are accepted only on our secure website. When making an online purchase, you will be rerouted to Exceptional Innovations’ secure online store. Your credit card statement will identify your purchase as being with Exceptional Innovations.
- Purchase orders from institutions must be on official purchase order forms. Make purchase orders payable to Exceptional Innovations. POs may be emailed to smiles@smilesallaround.com or info@exinn.net
- International orders: Payment must be in U.S. funds made payable on a U.S. bank. Sorry, only eProducts are available to Canada and non-Candada international addresses. We ship only to US addresses.
- Prepaid orders–Make checks payable to Exceptional Innovations. Exceptional Innovations accepts checks and money orders. During the pandemic, please contact Smiles All Around! (smiles@smilesallaround.com) or Exceptional Innovations (info@exinn.net) for where to send checks. Please include any applicable shipping and state tax.
- eProducts must be ordered online and a working email provided. eProducts are not returnable or refundable. Please note: All Exceptional Innovation eBooks and products are protected under U.S. copyright laws. The publisher permits only purchasers to make copies for individual use. All other uses or distribution is strictly prohibited.
- Sales tax: Virginia and Michigan residents please add appropriate sales tax. If you are a tax-exempt organization, please include documentation.
- Special discounts: Please note that we reserve the right to offer different discounts on different purchasing platforms.
- Returns: All returns must be pre-authorized. There is a 15% restocking fee on returned items and they must be in resalable condition. The customer pays all shipping fees. If an item is damaged in shipping, please call (703-435-2656) or email us (smiles@smilesallaround.com) (info@exinn.net)for instructions on how to receive a no-cost replacement.
- Prices are subject to change without notice.
Questions? Contact Smiles All Around! (smiles@smilesallaround.com) or (info@exinn.net). Or call us at 703-435-2656.