Winning BIG! Lacey with her 2019 AVA Digital Award for blog writing.
Smiles All Around! wins two 2019 Gold AVA Digital Awards! Winning big were bloggers Lacey of the Let’s Play! With Lacey blog and Miles of the Frequent Flyer Miles blog. Both awards were in the Web-Based Production: Web Element category for blog/web writing.
The Smiles team could not be happier for Miles and Lacey. The celebration began with a drum roll. A hush fell over the team. Then the announcement: “And a 2019 Gold AVA Digital Award for blog writing goes to Lacey for her Let’s Play! With Lacey post, ‘Dear Diary, What Should I Be for Halloween?’”

Winning BIG! Miles with his 2019 Gold AVA Digital Award for blog writing.
“And”—more drum roll—”a 2019 Gold AVA Digital Award for web writing goes to Miles for his Frequent Flyer Miles post, “’Who’s On Miles’ Valentines Card List?’” Applause and shouts of “Bravo!” filled the Smiles office. For winning big at Smiles All Around!, Miles and Lacey were given an extended break from their writing duties along with extra treats. This was truly the best day ever!
Read Lacey and Miles’ Award-Winning Blogs

Smiles All Around! wins two 2019 Gold AVA Digital Awards for blog writing.
About AVA Digital Awards
AVA Digital Awards is an international competition that recognizes outstanding work by creative professionals involved in the concept, direction, design, and production of media that is part of the evolution of digital communication. Work includes many forms of user-generated communication, including audio and video productions, websites that present interactive components (such as video, animation, blogs), podcasts, and interactive social media sites.
AVA Digital Awards is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP). The international organization consists of several thousand production, marketing, communication, advertising, public relations, and free-lance professionals.